A fabulous purple smokey tinge...

This page is of my last Deep Purple cover band, Purple Smoke, which ran between 2010 and 2012. Purple Smoke morphed from Cheap Turtle in 2010, so together the two bands had a good 4 years in total - Enjoy! Oh by the way, this is not the French Purple Smoke, which has turned up recently in Youtube. They sound pretty good though...

Purple Smoke - 2010-2012

Amazingly this web page from jörg is still online in 2020 - Thanks Jörg!

Singer - Alex
Keyb - Bernd
Bass - Jörg
Drums - Carsten

After the demise of Cheap Turtle, Jörg brought in an excelent drummer, Carsten. We changed the name to Purple Smoke because Cheap Turtle was not our own band. However we continued the cover-band format with similar setlists as before, except we added a couple of Led Zep tunes to make it more interesting. We found a rehearsal room in Mainz-Finthen and things finally relaxed.

Here is a collection of pictures taken from some of our gigs. Sadly I do not have pictures from them all. Feel free to click thru them or start the slideshow.

Please also feel free to take a look at the other pictures from:

Cheap Turtle - 2009-2010

Mandrake Root - 2003-2009

THE GIG LIST - oldest first

19 February 2011 - Casa Blanca in Usingen. Our first gig together and it was a great success. However, I was plagued by the CT curse, carried over from CT. I had 2 strings break, bad contacts in a guitar and 2 pedals broke down, yet looking back it all nothing really matters at all...

19 March 2011 - Musikkeller in Frankfurt. We rocked! Finally a trouble free gig! Nothing broke, blew up, cut out or went up in flames! The CT curse had finally left me!

26 March 2011 - Alexander The Great in Mainz. We rocked on a tiny stage with absolutely no room at all - the place was absolutely full, but nice and tight is a good thing! Alex and I were forced to stand up in the audience, the people were dancing on my pedal board, which made for a few sonic surprises! I had to replace a few things afterwards lol! I remember we played Led Zep's 'No Quarter' and 'Rock n' Roll', which was funny as on that night some of guys from Mad Zeppelin came to see us. They seemed to enjoy it all. A great audience, also I enjoyed seeing Holgi and Bernie S. again. Sadly no photos!

07 May 2011 Alte Festhalle in Flonheim. We selected this to make a promo-demo and video. Bernd and Thilo had everything under control. Alex had his TV colleagues filmed everything and Norbert brought his camera along. The band before us warmed everyone up nicely. A solid performance.

27 August 2011 - Casa Blanca in Usingen. We rocked the bar yet again. It was not full, but it was simply excellent. We also recorded some songs on film that night.

14 October 2011 - Bad Kreuznach Rockland Cafe. The 2nd and last time for me there. A lot of people came, which was fantastic and ROSALIE was great. I had previously joined Rosalie, but left before the first gig. Alex had long hair this night... I had forgotten that... I enjoyed seeing the boys from Roselie and Bernie S. again.

Despite being in a happy family, I mentioned my tiredness of the never-ending-show and the odd issues I was having in my left playing hand (finally operated on in the following year). This did not help tensions building up amongst the others, it probably was the proverbial "straw that broke the camel's back"... and very quickly two opposing sides emerged with me hesitating and dithering on the outside. It quickly disintgrated within weeks. Today, I still have contact with all, except for dear Carsten, who dissapeared off the radar smewhere in Wiesbaden...